Kewalram Chanrai Group Endowed Scholarship

Financial Aid Type: Scholarships, Donors
Nationality: Foreigner
Student Type: Prospective Students

About The Scholarship

The Kewalram Chanrai Group Endowed Scholarship is available to first-year full-time undergraduates of foreign nationalities pursuing any degree programme at Singapore Management University.

The Scholarship is aimed at motivating the students to achieve greater heights of excellence.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Full-time incoming freshman of foreign nationalities in any degree programme
  • Preference for candidates from developing countries including but not limited to countries in which Kewalram Chanrai Group operates, such as Africa, the Indian Subcontinent, South America, Southeast Asia, and China
  • Special consideration will be given to female candidates of suitable calibre from developing countries so as to encourage them to pursue a university education and to succeed in their lives
  • Good academic achievements
  • Demonstrated leadership skills or potential and good moral character
  • Active CCAs and community involvement
  • Keen sectoral interest in textiles, automotives, agriculture, commodities, international trade, IT and real estate
  • Evidence of financial need


  • $30,000 per annum 
  • Tenable for up to 4 years of the recipient’s academic studies, subject to continued observance of the eligibility criteria and the terms and conditions of award
  • The scholarships will offer financial support towards the recipients' tuition fees and/or study-related expenses, such as the purchase of a notebook computer which the recipients may keep upon successful completion of their studies, purchase of textbooks, participation in Business Study Mission and/or International Student Exchange Programme with SMU partner universities.

Application Information

If you want to be considered for this scholarship, indicate your interest in the Scholarship section of the online admission application. No separate scholarship form is needed

Special consideration is given to applicants with financial needs. After you have submitted your admission application. You are required to submit a separate bursary application form via the Applicant’s Self Service from 1 January 1 to 31 May

Click HERE for the checklist 


Office of Admissions and Financial Assistance

About the Donor

A Tradition of Entrepreneurship

Kewalram Chanrai Group started out as a family enterprise more than a century and a half ago when two brothers, Jhamatmal and Thakurdas Chanrai, established a small textile shop in Hyderabad, Sind. Today, the Group employs more than 4500 people in over 12 countries worldwide, across diverse industries. From textiles to automobiles, agricultural products to recycling, our production and supply lines are found in emerging markets like Asia and Africa. We are in the business of processing, manufacturing, distribution, sales and logistics. With our commitment to excellence and integrity since 1860, we have steadily grown into a diverse group of companies.

Our SMU Stories

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Megan Sng
Year 3
Lee Kong Chian School of Business
Megan Sng
Priya Ramani
Year 3
School of Accountancy
Priya Ramani
Jolie Fong Zhi Yi
Year 3
Lee Kong Chian School of Business
Jolie Fong Zhi Yi