Mendaki Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy

Financial Aid Type: Loans & Subsidies
Nationality: Singapore Citizen
Student Type: Prospective Students, Current Students

About the Subsidy

The Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy scheme, introduced in 1991, is a Government-funded education subsidy for Malay students, which covers their tuition fees at tertiary institutions.  The scheme is administered by Yayasan MENDAKI.

With effect from 1 January 2011, students with Malay as their first component race of a double-barrelled race (i.e. Malay-Indian or Malay-Chinese) are also eligible for the scheme. The Government, together with Yayasan MENDAKI in 2018, has revised the income eligibility criteria for the scheme to benefit more Malay students in tertiary institutions.


>> Click HERE for detailed information on the subsidy scheme.

>> Click HERE for FAQs on the subsidy scheme.

>> Click HERE for other available financial asisstance schemes.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • Student is a Singaporean / Singapore Permanent Resident with one of the parents (biological, adoptive or stepparent), living or deceased, is a Singaporean
  • Student’s race or first component of the double-barrelled race is Malay. They include the following: Malay, Acehnese, Ambonese, Banjarese, Batak, Boyanese, Bugis, Butonese, Dayak, Dusun, Iban, Indonesia, Javanese, Kadazan, Kelabit, Makasarese, Melanau, Minangkabau, Murut, Sumatran, Sundanese, and Indonesia Extract
  • Student’s monthly Household per capita income (PCI) does not exceed $2,000
  • Student is eligible for MOE Tuition Grant or an equivalent government subsidy.
  • Student is pursuing first diploma or degree on a full-time basis at a local government tertiary institution.

Malay students who are not receiving any subsidy or are in receipt of partial (75% or 50%) subsidy under the Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy (TTFS), may apply for the Supplementary Assistance Scheme. Please CLICK HERE for more information.

PCI is computed as: Total monthly gross income of family / Total number of family members

Percentage of Subsidy

  • 100% – PCI not exceeding $1,400
  • 75% – PCI between $1,401 and $1,700
  • 50% – PCI between $1,701 and $2,000


>> Click HERE for application dates by Yayasan MENDAKI.

> Click HERE for application instructions.


Centre for Student Financial Assistance
Office of Admissions and Financial Assistance

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