Ong Yu Kai

Ong Yu Kai
Year 3, SMU Merit Scholar
School of Accountancy
Ong Yu Kai

Accounting Data and Analytics 

Previous School:
Tampines Meridian Junior College
“One of the reasons I chose SMU was because it guarantees 100% global exposure for all students and I believe that having access to these overseas programmes provides opportunities for me to learn more about other cultures and make global connections.”

Have you had any international experiences at SMU so far? 

I am currently taking a module called Overseas Project Experience (Accounting in Asia)-Indonesia.  I worked alongside students from Universitas Prasetiya Mulya on a consultation project for a company looking to enter Indonesia. It has been enriching to have the opportunity to exchange ideas with my Indonesian project mates and learn more about their culture. I am looking forward to the planned trip to Indonesia at the end of the semester. 

Please share your internship experience. 

In 2022, I did my audit internship at Ernst and Young. During my internship, I was involved in multiple audit engagements that were across various sectors. My job scope included the testing of accounts and other tasks that are usually handled by full-time audit associates. This not only allowed me to apply my classroom knowledge but also provided a new platform to learn technical skills not taught in university.  

What is your favourite food to get on campus?  

The Yong Tau Foo at Koufu! 

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