Bonnie Wong Shi Yun

Bonnie Wong Shi Yun
School of Accountancy
Bonnie Wong Shi Yun
Chief Operating Officer, Creative Eateries
BAcc, 2011
“If I could start college all over again, I would have started a business while in school, given that SMU offers such amazing support and mentorship for budding entrepreneurs.”

What is one key lesson you learned at SMU that is still relevant to you today? 

Enjoy learning and keep learning new skills.  

How has SMU transformed you and equipped you with the skillset to thrive in your current career? 

SMU trains you to be an all-rounded individual. We are encouraged to develop hard and soft skills from public speaking, creative thinking, project management, understanding of technical theories and people management, all of which are essential in running a business. 

What is your fondest memory of your time at SMU? 

I enjoyed the Starry nights, watching our friends’ musical performances and enjoying campus life. 

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