Explore Our Programmes
The programme buttons above are in their School colours (if you were wondering!).
Guaranteed 2nd Major + 100% Flexibility to Customise Your Pathway

Single Degree with 1 Major
Choose one undergraduate degree programme, and delve deeply in one major to become a true specialist.

Single Degree with 2 Majors
Choose one undergraduate degree programme, and broaden your interests by declaring 2 majors. Your second major can be complementary or contrasting - you decide!

Double Degree with 2 Majors
Pursue two undergraduate degree programmes, and go even further by taking on two majors to fulfil your academic passions.

Double Degree with 3 Majors
Pursue two undergraduate degree programmes and go the extra mile by declaring two majors in your first degree and one major in your secondary degree. Not for the faint-hearted - but can be truly fulfilling for some!
SMU's Signature, Interdisciplinary Offerings

Guaranteed 2nd Major For All Students
Use our new Major Generator tool to choose your first and second majors, and we can generate a suitable degree SMU programme for you!

University Core
The SMU Core Curriculum is a menu of twelve carefully selected course units (CUs) to initiate undergraduates into their journey to become fully realised SMU graduates.

SMU-X is our innovative learning approach where students are challenged to solve real-world projects through inter-disciplinary approaches.

SMU-DUKE-NUS Medicine Pathway
SMU is pleased to collaborate with Duke-NUS Medical School to offer a new SMU-Duke-NUS Medicine Pathway. The aim is to encourage talented and committed students who have achieved academic distinction to gain a conditional early acceptance to the Duke-NUS Doctor of Medicine (MD) programme, while allowing them to pursue an undergraduate degree in SMU prior to the MD.

Design Your Own Major
A first in Singapore, SMU's Individualised Major prepares students for the ever-changing world and equips them with the skills to come up with unprecedented solutions to bring meaningful impact to the world around them.

College of Integrative Studies - Explore First, Decide Later
Not 100% sure what you want to study in university? At our College of Integrative Studies, you can take the first year to explore different fields of knowledge, and only decide on a degree programme after that.
100% Seminar-style Classes

Here Are the Top 10 Skills of 2025
Source: Future of Jobs Report 2020, World Economic Forum
A university education must do more than just impart knowledge - it should prepare you for a complex, globalised world. SMU's transformational undergraduate programme inculcates the skills needed to transform you into a dynamic and confident individual, ready to take on a changing global economy.

What the Economy Needs

What we teach in SMU