Asian Patent Attorneys Association Prize for Top Student in International Commercialisation of Intellectual Property

Financial Aid Type: Awards & Prizes, Donors
Nationality: Singapore Citizen, Permanent Resident, Foreigner
Student Type: Current Students

About the Award

Established in 2012, the APAA Prize for Top Student in International Commercialisation of Intellectual Property aims to motivate exceptional students’ talents from the Bachelor of Laws and Juris Doctor programmes offered by the Yong Pung How School of Law (YPHSL) at the Singapore Management University and spur them to greater heights of academic excellence.  It provides recognition to the top law student in the International Commercialisation of IP course offered by YPHSL.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The Prize will be given to the top performing law student in the International Commercialisation of Intellectual Property course offered by YPHSL.
  • Factors considered include (but not limited to) the overall course grade and any other factors which demonstrate the student’s all-rounded abilities.

The Prize will only be given if there is a candidate of sufficient merit.


Certificate and $1,500 Cash Prize


Recipient will be determined by YPHSL.


Centre for Student Financial Assistance
Office of Admissions and Financial Assistance

About the Donor

Established in December 1969, membership of APAA is open to individuals practising the profession of patent attorney in the Asian region as well as organisations which comprise such individuals and are constituted in the Asian region.  The association now has about 2,315 members from 17 Recognised Groups in Australia, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam as well as from Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar and Nepal.

The members include some of Asia's leading practitioners of intellectual property law.  They meet annually at a Council meeting and triennielly at a General Assembly at a location within the Asian Region to, amongst others, network and exchange views and information concerning intellectual property protection in the Region.

With its large pool of members and expertise, APAA is well placed to play an influential role in promoting and enhancing intellectual property protection in the Asian Region.

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