About the Financial Award
Established in 2015, the Mr & Mrs Eu Keng Chee Bursary is aimed at assisting the financially needy full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University to achieve academic excellence.
Eligibility Criteria
- Full-time undergraduates enrolled in any degree programme
- Singapore Citizens
- Gross monthly household per capita income not exceeding $1,900
- With good CCA and/or community service involvement
Tenure and Benefits
- $10,000 (towards subsidised tuition fee)
- Tenable for one year of study
- May be considered for the bursary in the subsequent year of study, subject to continued observance of the eligibility criteria.
- May be in concurrent receipt of a government bursary, subject to fulfilment of its eligibility criteria
Shortlisting of candidates for consideration will be from the list of applicants applying for SMU-administered bursaries in the year of award.
Centre for Student Financial Assistance
Office of Admissions and Financial Assistance
Email: finasst@smu.edu.sg
About the Donor
Dr Eu Oy Chu has endowed the Mr & Mrs Eu Keng Chee Bursary in the name of her late parents, to recognise her appreciation of them.
Dr Eu is a Senior Deputy Director, School Dental Service, Health Promotion Board. She is a co-inventor of Happy Brush that helps school children reduce brushing teeth from 240 strokes to 60 strokes.