About the Financial Award
Established in 2015, The Silent Minority Bursary aims to motivate needy Singaporean minority undergraduates at the Singapore Management University to achieve academic excellence despite their constraints.
Eligibility Criteria
- Full-time undergraduates enrolled in any degree programme
- Singapore Citizens who are Malays, Indians or Eurasians
- Living in HDB apartment and immediate family does not own any private property in Singapore or abroad
- Immediate family faced a catastrophic event (divorce, serious sickness, death, accident or loss of job over the last 6 months of the breadwinner of the family's breadwinner.
- Demonstrated financial needs with gross monthly household per capita income in accordance with prevailing guidelines to qualify for government bursaries.
Tenure and Benefits
- Up to $6,666 depending on PCI (towards subsidised tuition fee)
- Tenable or one year of study
- May be in concurrent receipt of a government bursary, subject to fulfilment of its eligibility criteria
- To be more involved in community service and submit a progress report of ongoing progress and continuing community outreach to the Donor by the following May.
Shortlisting of candidates for consideration will be from the list of applicants applying for SMU-administered bursaries in the year of award.
Centre for Student Financial Assistance
Office of Admissions and Financial Assistance
Email: finasst@smu.edu.sg
About the Donor
The Silent Minority Bursary is made possible by The Silent Foundation, a foundation whose mission is to help "Silent Sufferers" who are overlooked. Education is the ultimate key in helping the less fortunate improve themselves and their situation. The founder of the foundation, Mr Teng Ngiek Lian, is a personal and powerful example of tremendous success despite trying circumstances and has demonstrated leadership with this refreshingly-different donation.
Led by Mr Teng, a Chinese gentleman, The Silent Foundation has established the bursary to provide financial relief to six full time SMU Singaporean undergraduates who are minorities – Malay, Indian or Eurasian – and who face daunting issues at home.