Mochtar Riady Scholarship

Financial Aid Type: Scholarships, Donors
Nationality: Singapore Citizen, Permanent Resident, Foreigner
Student Type: Current Students

About the Financial Award

Supported by Lippo Group and the Riady family, the Mochtar Riady Scholarship is available to undergraduates currently studying full-time at the Singapore Management University. The scholarship is aimed at motivating outstanding students at the University to achieve all-round excellence in their educational pursuits.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Full-time undergraduates in any programme of study
  • Priority will be given to undergraduates from China and Indonesia
  • Good academic achievements (minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00)
  • Display leadership skills and character
  • Active community service involvement
  • Special consideration will be given to undergraduates with demonstrated financial need


  • $20,000 per annum (towards subsidised tuition fees and/ or study-related expenses)
  • Tenable for one year of study
  • The recipients may be offered internship and recruitment opportunities by the Donor and/or its designated companies


Apply annually from 1 to 31 January via OASIS >All Apps - Financial Aid Application


Centre for Student Financial Assistance
Office of Admissions and Financial Assistance

About the Donor

Lippo Group was founded by Dr Mochtar Riady in the 1950s. With Dr Riady as Chairman, the Group consists of private and public-listed companies throughout the Asia-Pacific region including Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau, the Philippines, Singapore and South Korea, with over US$10 billion in assets and approximately US$4 billion annual revenue. The business of the Group embraces property investment and urban development, financial services, retailing and investments in hospitality and food manufacturing, healthcare and hospital management services, and information technology and communications.

Lippo Group is committed to contribute to the betterment of the community, in particular through education. It set up the Pelita Harapan Educational Foundation in Indonesia, with the vision to open 1,000 schools in the next two decades. Currently, it has established two universities, and 20 schools with over 30,000 students. In addition, the Group has made donations to the development of universities in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Singapore.

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