It’s 2020, and the start of this new decade will see many members of Generation Z beginning their tertiary education. With continuous exposure to digital technology from a young age, it’s no wonder that this newest crop of young adults is seeking different things from their education.
One of these is interdisciplinary learning. Today’s youths are often interested in many fields simultaneously, thanks to the ready access to information that they enjoy in the Internet age. Plus, as big fans of flexibility and haters of rigidity, this younger crowd loves customisation.
When it comes to selecting their university of choice, they naturally want a unique experience that can be tailored to their strengths and interests. Another important push factor in today’s rapidly evolving economies is that employers are also beginning to value graduates who demonstrate experience with interdisciplinary learning.
How SMU’s education ticks all the boxes
With over 300 double degree and double major combinations, not to mention new majors that will be offered this coming academic year, Singapore Management University (SMU) students are continuously encouraged to explore their various strengths and interests.
Broad-based and rigorous, courses at SMU are constantly updated to ensure that fresh graduates are well-equipped to become outstanding members of the workforce. Promising 100 per cent flexibility when it comes to customising classes, every programme offered is on the direct-honours track; and with exemptions and careful planning, it’s even possible for students to obtain their degree within three years!
This year, some of the University’s latest degrees, majors and tracks across its six schools include: Bachelor of Science (Computing & Law) degree, Second Major in Accounting Data and Analytics, Second Major in Data Science & Analytics, Second Major in Sustainability, and the Maritime Business and Operations Track.
While all students accepted into SMU’s undergraduate programme are guaranteed a second major, for direct entry from A-Levels or Polytechnics to the double-degree programmes, however, it’s a slightly different story.
As double-degree programme placements are limited and competition for entry to these programmes is expected to be stiff, students admitted into double-degree programmes have to possess sterling academic results. However, freshmen who are not accepted into a double-degree programme can apply for entry again by the end of their second year, if they have cleared the programme’s pre-requisite requirements.
The value of interdisciplinary learning
The nature of jobs is changing swiftly. Today, a single role may require knowledge and thinking frameworks from multiple fields. As such, many industries now seek employees who have gone through some form of interdisciplinary learning.
SMU’s graduates are, therefore, more attractive as potential hires, with many of the double-major combinations offered by the University involving a second major from a different faculty/school. With such exposure to myriad disciplines, students are better able to approach and reconcile issues from differing viewpoints.
There is also a tendency for students who have been through interdisciplinary programmes to be more adaptive to changes, as the very nature of such learning styles pushes one to be open to differences and curveballs. Such qualities are highly valued by many employers. This is especially so in the world of start-ups, where things progress at a fast and furious pace and employees are expected to wear many hats on the job.
With the popularity of interdisciplinary learning on the rise as more members of Generation Z prepare for university, it is necessary for universities to keep up with the times, and alter their curriculum accordingly to pull in the brightest minds—and SMU’s undergraduate programme fits the bill nicely.