Application Timeline

For Transfer applicants


18 November 2024 - 19 March 2025

Submit an application

AY2025-26 application closing date: 19 March 2025


March - May

Shortlisted applicants will attend an interview / test (where applicable)
Admissions decisions are progressively released


24 May 2025
Acceptance deadline (for 1st window offers)

General Requirements

Who can apply?

Applicants, regardless of nationality, who have studied for a term or more at a university, may apply as transfer students.

Admission Requirement

Transfer applicants must meet the admissions requirements set for pre-university or high school graduates. Applicants will also be evaluated on the basis of their university results. To meet the graduation requirements for the SMU degree, transfer applicants who are offered admission must complete a minimum of 20 course units that are normally taken over a period of two years at SMU.

Credit Transfers

Credit transfers for courses done at the university level will be decided after the applicant has been offered admission.


Shortlisted applicants for courses other than Law will be interviewed.

Shortlisted applicants for Law must take a writing test (to be held in person at SMU). After the test, only applicants who have been further shortlisted will be invited to an interview. Only shortlisted applicants who attend both the writing test and the interview will be further considered for admission. Click here for more information on this.

Apply and submit documents

All applications for admission must be submitted online.

  1. Please ensure that you are applying through the right category.
    Transfer applicants should apply under one of the following categories that match their high school qualifications. There is no separate application category.
    1. Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level
    2. Polytechnic Diploma from Singapore
    3. IB Diploma
    4. NUS High School Diploma
    5. International/Other Qualifications
  2. Take note of the important dates.

Academic Year 2025-26 Application Opening Date

18 November 2024

Academic Year 2025-26 Application Closing Date

19 March 2025 (11.59pm, Singapore Standard Time)

  1.  Prepare yourself by having a thorough look at our sample application form.
    To make sure that you don't miss out any details when applying, take a good look at our sample application form so that you know what information you need to prepare in order to fill the form up completely.
    View Sample Form »
  1. Online Uploading of Supporting Documents (Compulsory)

    After applying online, please upload the following documents using the online upload function at Applicant's Self Service. Academic results/transcripts/certificates must clearly show the applicant’s name, and the name and logo of the awarding institution.

    • NRIC for Singapore Citizens; NRIC and Passport Particulars Page for Permanent Residents; Passport Particulars Page and Singapore Student Pass for Non-citizens.
    • Singapore-Cambridge GCE O-Level results.
    • NUS High School Transcript of Academic Record.
    • NUS High School Diploma Certificate.
    • School Testimonials/Extra Curricular Activity/Co-Curricular Activity/Special Achievements/Award Records, if any, that are relevant to what you have indicated on your online application form (Under CCAs and Achievements).
    • Medical report, if you have any disabilities or major illness.
    • Criminal offence records, if applicable.
  2. Paper/Hardcopy Submission of Supporting Documents (Optional)

    If you wish to submit other documents on top of the online submission, you may mail the hardcopy documents to SMU. Before sending the documents to us, please access Applicant's Self Service to print a copy of the Checklist Summary (Checklist Summary will be displayed on your computer screen when your online application has been submitted successfully) and place it on top of your supporting documents. Please do not submit original documents.

    Mail your hardcopy documents to:

    Office of Admissions & Financial Assistance (OAFA)
    Singapore Management University
    Level 3, Administration Building
    81 Victoria Street
    Singapore 188065

    Or drop them at the Drop box, located outside OAFA
    (Monday to Friday : 7am-10pm; Saturday : 7am-5pm; closed on Sunday and public holidays)

  3. Application Fees
    A non-refundable application fee of S$15 is payable. You can make the payment via Applicant's Self Service after submitting your online application for admission.
    ✅ Payment is to be made by Visa or MasterCard.
    ❌ Debit cards and charge cards (AMEX, Diners Club) cannot be used for this payment mode.

    For enquiries, please contact us at (+65) 6828 0980 or send us a message.
    Walk-in available during office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 5:45pm
    Closed on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays.

Check application status

You can check the status of your application online at Applicant's Self Service. You must have a User ID and Password that are both available at the time of making an online application for admission.

Accept the offer

It's easy to accept your SMU offer - just click on the relevant button on our Accept Offer page and follow the instructions on the website.


Admissions and Applications

Please click here for a sample of the online application form.

Yes, you are welcome to apply for admission.

Interviews play an important role in the admissions process and as such, it is in your interest to attend the interview as scheduled. There is a very tight schedule for these interviews, and only in exceptional circumstances (for example, due to illness or National Service commitments) will it be possible to accommodate requests for changes. Law interviews for shortlisted candidates are conducted in end Mar/April. Click here for more information on law interviews and writing tests.

Please click here for information on the important dates that you should take note of.

Only shortlisted applicants will be called up for interviews.

Please click here for more information on the important dates relating to admissions.

We will consider an applicant's choices in the order of his/her preference. If you are not successful in your first choice, you will still be considered for your other choices in competition with other eligible applicants and subject to the number of places available. For those interested in law, you must indicate law as your first choice in your application.

Please click here for more information on admissions requirements.

You can update your personal particulars (mailing address, telephone contact, mobile contact and email address) by logon to Applicant's Self Service. For other matters, please email to for assistance.

You may select up to 4 degree programmes, in order of preference.

For the Academic Year 2025-26, applications will open from 18 November 2024, 12.00pm Singapore Time and will close* on 19 March 2025, 11.59pm Singapore Time.

Please click here for more information.

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Yue Zheng Ting
Year 3
School of Computing and Information Systems
Yue Zheng Ting
Kylie Oh
Final Year
School of Social Sciences
Kylie Oh
Hsu Thitsar Lwin
Final Year
School of Computing and Information Systems
Hsu Thitsar Lwin