The Mustafa Izzuddin Outstanding Social Science Graduate Prize

Financial Aid Type: Awards & Prizes, Donors
Nationality: Singapore Citizen, Permanent Resident, Foreigner
Student Type: Current Students

About the Award

Established in 2019, the Mustafa Izzuddin Outstanding Social Science Graduate Prize provides recognition to outstanding graduating students from the School of Social Sciences (SOSS) at the Singapore Management University who excelled in their academic pursuits and exhibited leadership in co-curricular activities.

The prize will be presented at the SMU Commencement Ceremony (SOSS Undergraduate Ceremony).

Eligibility Criteria

The prize will be awarded to the candidate who best meets the following criteria:

  • A graduating student from the School of Social Sciences, regardless of ethnicity and nationality.
  • Must have achieved academic excellence (minimum cumulative GA of 3.60)
  • Exhibited leadership in co-curricular activities
  • Focused on community service (preferably interfaith dialogue or intercultural engagements)


Certificate and $500 Cash Prize


  • Applications will be invited in Term 2 annually.
  • Interested applicants must provide documentary evidence in support of fulfilment of eligibility criteria.
  • Recipient will be determined by SOSS.


Centre for Student Financial Assistance
Office of Admissions and Financial Assistance

About the Donor

Dr Mustafa Izzuddin is an academician, a political and security analyst, social entrepreneur and a policy and risk consultant in Singapore. Dr Mustafa also served as a practitioner-diplomat at an international organization. He received his undergraduate degree in Political Science from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and obtained his MSc and PhD in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). He also spent a semester at the Singapore Management University as an exchange student in 2004. He has been involved in community service and youth development work since the age of 16 in 1996. The name ‘Mustafa Izzuddin’ is given to the prize to relate to the lived experiences of the donor in Singapore. He came from humble beginnings, almost lost his life due to asthma, received poor ‘A’ level results which only just got him admission to NUS, and was a late bloomer. Yet, the donor managed to overcome the odds to achieve a PhD and is now in a better position to give back to society. In recognition of his decades of dedicated voluntary leadership in community service and being a leading voice in inter-faith bridge building, Dr Mustafa has been conferred several national, regional and international awards, including being listed as one of the top 500 most influential Muslims of the world.

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