Professor Tan Teck Meng Endeavour Award

Financial Aid Type: Awards & Prizes, Donors
Student Type: Current Students

About the Award

The School of Accountancy (SOA) at Singapore Management University has established the Professor Tan Teck Meng Memorial Fund in 2012, in honour of the late Professor Tan Teck Meng, to celebrate his 40 illustrious years in academia.  The endowed fund will support the Professor Tan Teck Meng Endeavour Award which honours undergraduates who have demonstrated fortitude, resilience, and achieved success despite adversities in life.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Full-time undergraduates in any degree programmes
  • Faced and overcome adversity in areas relating to family, health, poor academic performance or financial need
  • With demonstrated evidences of actions taken to overcome the adversities faced
  • Will serve as role models and encouragement to other undergraduates to persevere during difficult times and inspire them to achieve their goals

The awards will be given only if there are candidates of sufficient merit.


Certificate and $1,500 Cash Prize


  • Applications will be invited in Term 2 annually.
  • Interested applicants must provide documentary evidence in support of fulfilment of eligibility criteria.
  • Recipients will be determined by SOA.


Centre for Student Financial Assistance
Office of Admissions and Financial Assistance

About the Donor

This award is funded by the proceeds from the Professor Tan Teck Meng Memorial Fund.

The late Professor Tan Teck Meng was among the true pioneers of Singapore Management University (SMU). He was the University’s first Deputy President and Provost in 1998.  Professor Tan also served as Professor of Accounting at SMU’s School of Accountancy, touching the hearts of colleagues and students through his unwavering dedication and commitment.  The Professor Tan Teck Meng Memorial Fund has been established in his memory, to always remember him as a most remarkable teacher, associate and dear friend.

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