CDL Young SDG Leaders Fund

Financial Aid Type: Other Assistance, Donors
Nationality: Foreigner, Permanent Resident, Singapore Citizen
Student Type: Current Students

About the Grant

City Developments Limited (CDL), in partnership with SMU, has established the ‘CDL Young SDG Leaders Fund’ to support SMU undergraduates in their efforts to address the needs of the community in Singapore and abroad.


Up to 15% of approved project costs (team)
[excluding training, recce, and R&R costs for overseas CSPs]


  • Projects (Local or overseas) must be duly endorsed by C4SR
  • Preference for sustained projects with at least 2 years of track record
  • Priority will go towards projects that support environmental and/or youth development purposes (youths aged 13 & above) 
  • Project scopes should be based on the beneficiary community’s needs and SMU students’ capabilities. However, where possible and practicable, the projects should be aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Preference for projects aligned with Goal 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), Goal 13 (Climate Action), and Goal 17 (Partnership for the Goals).

Conditions of Award

  • The grant will be awarded at the project team level. It will be used to assist the students in obtaining the project funds needed to deliver effective programmes intended to be developed in tandem with the supported organisation/ community.
  • Upon completion of the community service project, the recipient project team must submit a minimum 400-word report, incorporating updates on their proposed project deliverables, estimated social impact, beneficiary feedback, budget and photographs of their community outreach experiences. If the project is YEP endorsed, a brief summary of both the pre/post trip activities including partner NGO and social impact should be included.


Repayment is required in full or in part if the project is not carried out.


  • Apply to the Centre for Social Responsibility
  • Project leader to apply on behalf of the team


Centre for Social Responsibility (C4SR)

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