Maritime Law Association of Singapore Prize for the Top Student in Shipping & Admiralty Law

Financial Aid Type: Awards & Prizes, Donors
Student Type: Current Students

About the Award

Established in 2016, the Prize motivates the University's exceptional students' talents from the Bachelor of Laws and Juris Doctor programmes offered by the Yong Pung How School of Law (YPHSL) at the Singapore Management University, and to spur them to achieve greater heights of academic excellence.  It provides recognition for the top law student in Shipping and Admiralty Law.

The Prize will be given out at a University-level event.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The Prize will be given to the top law student in Shipping and Admiralty Law, an elective course offered by YPHSL.
  • Factors considered include (but not limited to) the overall course grade and any other factors which demonstrate the student’s all-rounded abilities.

The Prize will only be given if there is a candidate of sufficient merit.


Certificate and $1,500 Cash Prize


Recipient will be determined by YPHSL.


Centre for Student Financial Assistance
Office of Admissions and Financial Assistance

About the Donor

The Maritime Law Association of Singapore (MLAS) is a non-profit organisation established in 1991 to promote the study and advancement of maritime law and its administration in Singapore, and to promote and consider with other associations proposals for the unification of maritime law and practice of different nations.

The MLAS is a member organization of the Comite Maritime International (CMI) a non-governmental international organization devoted to the same object of the unification of maritime law and is the only organization in Singapore entitled to attend the International Conferences of the CMI. At these international conferences, discussions take place between delegations sent by the maritime law associations around the world with the object of arriving at conclusions on issues of maritime law of the day for transmission to the governments of the association’s country or to international organizations such as the United Nations and the International Maritime Organisations. As a result, the CMI plays an active role in the initiation, promotion and review of international maritime conventions and model laws. The CMI is also the keeper of the York-Antwerp Rules on general average.

Members of the MLAS may participate in the development of maritime law, for example, by making their personal views or the view of their industry sector known to the MLAS, who will endeavour to present a balanced view of maritime interests in Singapore to the CMI and other associations concerned with the making or development of maritime law. The MLAS also organizes talks and seminars from time to time to promote discussion on issues of maritime law.

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