Going Social with SMU School of Accountancy

21 Nov 2019
Going Social with SMU School of Accountancy

In 2015, when SMU School of Accountancy (SOA) decided that it was time to build its social media presence, our goal was clear. On one hand, inform the public about our school’s achievements and updates, and on the other, provide a platform to engage current students and alumni. The best way to achieve this was to bring student voices into our social media and that was how the SOA Social Media Student Team was born.

We have come a long way since 2015, from a team of 3 students helping to create content just for our Facebook page to a team of 6, now producing content for both our         


Q: Social media was practically unheard of at SoA in 2015, so what prompted you to answer SoA’s recruitment for the SOA Social Media Student Team?

Angeline: Honestly, it was because I wanted to add a bit more colour to my student life. It sounded fun to contribute ideas to SOA’s social media platforms and it turned out to be true! And you get paid to do it too.

Cindy: As someone who enjoys making videos, I wanted to do something meaningful with my time in SMU while doing something I am passionate about. I must say I haven’t regretted my decision once.

Shu Wen: I was interested in exploring the areas of social media marketing and thought that the school would be a good platform for me to start from since I would be more familiar with the school’s activities as a student. At the same time, I would be able to provide a student’s perspective to the followers on the different social media platforms.

Q: So as a member of the pioneering social media team of SOA, what have you observed about SOA’s social media efforts?

Angeline: I noticed that SOA’s social media efforts place a lot of emphasis on creating content that is relatable to prospective students and sharing news relevant to the SOA family. The very existence of the SOA Social Media Student Team is a testament of how SOA ensures that the content created does value-add to prospective students. Another example would be of SOA’s recent expansion into Instagram too!

Cindy: The faculty are like the backstage crew of theatre production. They work really hard to boost SOA’s social media platforms and to keep audiences engaged!

Shu Wen: As we are able to provide content from students’ perspectives, friends around us would talk about it and this improves the student engagement with the school’s social media platforms. Not only are we able to share this information with the undergraduates, we are also able to highlight the student life at SOA to the prospective students which might spark their interest in the student life in SMU.

Q: Seeing as how you have stuck around for 3 years, what has been the most enjoyable part of this job? (We hope it’s not just the pay.)

Angeline: While I find most aspects of the job enjoyable, my favourite part would be our meetings when we get to brainstorm ideas. I love how Denise (aka our lovely boss) is very receptive to ideas such as the “

Cindy: I enjoyed going for events and interacting with other SOA students, alumni and faculty! Like what our 

Shu Wen: The most enjoyable part of the job is being able to be involved in the school’s event at a different level. As an undergraduate, sometimes we would only be able to join in SOA’s events as a participant, but this job provides us a different identity in addition to being a participant, so that we can cover the stories during the events. For example, how else would I have the chance to interview the Dean and Professors on their day-to-day life? This is something that I would not see at as an undergraduate but only as a social media team member.

Q: As SOA’s social media efforts expand, what do you hope to achieve before you ‘retire’ and handover to your successors?

Angeline: As SOA has just launched its undergraduate Instagram presence, I hope that SOA’s Instagram will grow into a platform for prospective students to gain a better insight into SMU SOA, and a source of entertainment for current students to enjoy.

Cindy: I hope that our Facebook page and Instagram will be able to reach out to more current students and more people will be like “oh ya, Like already” instead of “wait, SOA has a Facebook page?”… ;o)

Shu Wen:  I would hope that the next batch would be able to expand the team and to cover stories and events at a larger scale as compared to what we are doing now. It is important to engage current undergraduates and to attract the prospective students in the various aspects of student life, since this is something that students can share firsthand about.

Q: Any lasting words for those who are still sitting on the fence and not sure if they should join our SOA Social Media Student  Team?

Angeline: If you have some spare time, and want to express your creativity and contribute ideas, then go for it! Honestly, being part of the SOA Social Media Student Team has enhanced my SMU SOA journey.

Cindy: SOA Social Media Student Team has brought me closer to the SOA family and I am sure it will for you too! Plus you get to work with really fun and friendly colleagues on the team!

Shu Wen: If you are interested to share the wonderful experiences you have had in SOA, the social media team is a good avenue for you to make your stories heard. It is okay if you are not a social media influencer, the team seeks people who are willing to share their stories or cover SOA’s events. I started without good photography, video editing skills or exceptional writing skills, but I have grown to pick these skills up and am loving the job!

Keen to join the SOA Social Media Student Team? Email Denise at 
This article was originally published on The SMU Blog.

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