My SMU Social Sciences Freshman Year: Samantha Lork

14 Mar 2019
My SMU Social Sciences Freshman Year: Samantha Lork

When the time came for me to pursue an undergraduate degree, I remembered being conflicted between choices. I had just graduated from the school of Film & Media Studies (FMS) in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, with a diploma in Mass Communication.

Unlike many others who had a clear picture of what they wanted to pursue in university, I, on the other hand, did not. However, the one thing I was clear of, was that I knew I wanted to pursue something of sure interest to me.

Unsurprisingly, many questioned why didn’t I continue with my field of interest in the media industry. My answer to that? Something in me felt that it wasn’t exactly right.

Upon reflecting on the different seasons of my life, I discovered an underlying passion for people and to learn more about the synergistic effects in our societies. Hence, after doing my research and through many consultations with my seniors, I decided to apply for the Psychology, Political Science, and Sociology major here in SMU’s School of Social Sciences.

Fast forward to the admissions interview, there was no doubt I felt anxious as it was known to be competitive, with so many people vying for a spot in SMU. Per contra, the interview had turned out to be a fulfilling and humbling experience. Through the discussions I had with the other interviewees, I gained various insightful perspectives. I also felt safe and was able to express my thoughts comfortably in that environment.

⌈ Quick tip: Just be genuine with your answers, and be yourself! ⌋

As the new semester welcomed us with boundless programmes, I was fortunate to be able to kickstart my freshman year by joining different camps and activities. Along the way, I stumbled across many new faces and forged many new friendships.

The freshman orientation camp was one of the camps that I participated in. There were countless exciting games for us to foster bonds with those of different school faculties. I’m thankful for the people who were once mere camp mates, who turned into friends and group project buddies today!

Freshmen Orientation Camp 2018

Freshmen Orientation Camp 2018

Another camp that I participated in was the SMU Arts Camp 2018: Rewind. From stretching our vocal chords to dancing and learning new instruments, it was definitely a spectacular time. I had a blast learning and experiencing a wide range of Arts & Culture clubs in SMU through the camp!

SMU Arts Camp: Rewind 2018

SMU Arts Camp: Rewind 2018

One of the key takeaways from my first semester here in SMU, was definitely the friends I made when I participated in the 2018 Freshman Bash. Despite countless tiring nights of practice to get the knack for our catwalks on show day, the journey we had together was beyond memorable and I’m glad I found these group of friends and Mala buddies here in SMU!

SMU Freshman Bash 2018

SMU Freshman Bash 2018

Looking forward into the year, I am also excited to embark, alongside with these new friends, on an overseas community service project called Project Sparkle X. We will be heading to Philippines this coming April 2019, where we aim to serve and make a difference in the lives of the children there!

Project Sparkle X 2019

Project Sparkle X 2019

Looking back to the time when I was still conflicted with university choices, to entering SMU and participating in those various activities, the past few months have definitely been an enriching self-discovery ride.

All in all, if you wish to pursue a degree in SMU, I highly encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and not be held back by fear. With the holistic environment and comprehensive curriculum provided here in SMU, it is without a doubt that you will learn and grow with the people here in this community. As for me, I am definitely looking forward to the next few years here in SMU and am excited for what’s to come!

This article was originally published on The SMU Blog.

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