Nina May Homburg

Nina May Homburg
Year 3
School of Social Sciences
Nina May Homburg
Previous School:
Wilhelm-Raabe Gymnasium (Germany)
“As I now live so far away from home, it is important for me to be part of an open, caring, and joyful community, where people are genuinely happy for each other's success, and it is easy to make friends. This was the main reason I chose to pursue my degree at SMU.”

Please share a highlight of your student life at SMU so far. 

It has most definitely been joining the CCA Cognitare, SMU's premier business case club that represents the school at international case competitions and is sponsored by the School of Business. In Cognitare, we solve real business problems across various industries in teams on a weekly basis. I look forward to representing SMU and Singapore in international case competitions and growing even closer with my batch. 

What is your favourite local food/dish? 

Coming from Germany where fruits are pretty expensive to get during the winter, I am happy that I can eat watermelon every day as a snack here in Singapore. I also love bubble tea, so I have to keep myself from going to Bober on SMU’s campus every day.  

What is your favourite thing to do in Singapore? 

I like to go to Sentosa or go on a run at night when it is not as hot. I also love discovering different cafés with my friends and I think the clubs in Singapore are great to forget about university stress for just a night.

What advice would you give to other international students who are thinking of applying to SMU? 

Be brave and go out there to try everything! Join CCAs, attend events and try to meet as many people as possible. Don’t be too afraid, you will meet lovely people that you will grow close to, and if not you can always talk to me 😊 

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