About the Award
Supported by the Singapore Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Trade and Industry (Economist Service) Prize is given annually to a full-time student in the Bachelor of Science (Economics) programme from the School of Economics at the Singapore Management University. It is aimed at motivating the exceptional student talents and spurring them to greater heights.
Eligibility Criteria
The Prize will be given to a top Year 3 Bachelor of Science (Economics) student who best meets the following attributes:
- Outstanding academic results with minimum cumulative GPA of 3.40
- Strong leadership potential
- Outstanding community service contributions to the Singapore community
The Prize will only be given if there is a candidate of sufficient merit.
- Certificate and $2,000 Cash Prize
- Internship opportunity
Recipient will be determined by SOE.
Centre for Student Financial Assistance
Office of Admissions and Financial Assistance
Email: finasst@smu.edu.sg
About the Donor
The Ministry of Trade and Industry facilitates the development of industry sectors with strong growth potential and fundamentals. It protects Singapore's international trade interests, in particular, with a view to enhance access to global markets for our goods, services and investments. In addition, it provides a good understanding of the current state of and outlook for the Singapore economy for policy formulation and refinement.