Tan Boon Teik Prize for Top Student in Constitutional and Administrative Law

Financial Aid Type: Awards & Prizes, Donors
Student Type: Current Students

About the Award

Established in 2013, the Prize aims to motivate exceptional students' talents from the Bachelor of Laws and Juris Doctor programmes offered by the Yong Pung How School of Law (YPHSL) at the Singapore Management University, as well as to spur them to greater heights of academic excellence.  The Prize provides recognition for the top law student in Constitutional and Administrative Law.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The Prize will be given annually to the top law student in the Constitutional and Administrative Law course offered by YPHSL.
  • Factors considered include (but not limited to) the overall course grade and any other factors which demonstrate the student’s all-rounded abilities.

The Prize will only be given if there is a candidate of sufficient merit.


The recipient will be determined by YPHSL.


Certificate and $2,000 Cash Prize


Centre for Student Financial Assistance
Office of Admissions and Financial Assistance
Email: finasst@smu.edu.sg

About the Donor

This Award is funded by the proceeds of the Tan Boon Teik Fund.

The Tan Boon Teik Fund is an endowed contribution received from collective donors in memory of the late Mr Tan Boon Teik. The Fund is established to commemorate his twenty-five dedicated years of service and contributions to shaping the legal landscape of Singapore as Attorney-General and upholding the rule of law.

The late Mr Tan Boon Teik was the longest serving Attorney-General of post-independence Singapore, holding the post from 1969 to his retirement in 1992. He played a pivotal role in spearheading the formation of the Singapore Academy of Law and the Singapore International Arbitration Centre. He also served as the Chairman of the Insurance Corporation of Singapore and of the Singapore Petroleum Corporation.

Despite his heavy responsibilities as the Public Prosecutor and the Government’s principal legal officer, he found time for the arts. A talented pianist himself, he was the founding Chairman of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra and steered the orchestra for many years.

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