SOA Engage—Coming Together as a Family to Serve the Community

21 Nov 2019
SOA Engage—Coming Together as a Family to Serve the Community

Established less than two years ago, the SMU 

Dean delivering his welcome remarks

With this message in mind, the group set off together from the SMU U-Square and made their way on foot, carrying goodie bags to the PEACE-Connect Senior Activity Centre at Beach Road. Participants were intentionally split into pre-assigned groups of four to five, comprising a mix of students, alumni, faculty and staff to encourage everyone to mingle. While it may have been intimidating for students initially, any fears quickly dissipated when it became clear that hierarchy and titles meant little when it came to serving the community.

Upon reaching the Senior Activity Centre, each team was allocated a flat to clean and everyone immediately made their way to their respective flats. The SOA “work hard & play hard” spirit shone through during the cleaning session, with teams strategically dividing the work according to each member’s strengths and preferences, to ensure the work would be done effectively and efficiently.

Armed with the right tools, groups proceeded to their allocated flat

Of course, SOA Engage was not simply about cleaning the homes of the elderly. The volunteers also engaged the elderly residents, spending time to get to know them.  At the end of the day, it was very rewarding to see the “before” and “after” changes to the flats, even more so when seeing the smiles on the seniors’ faces.

It was also truly a family reunion, as faculty and staff caught up with alumni whom they had watched mature throughout the years, and students saw their professors in a different light as they interacted freely outside the confines of a classroom setting.

SOA Engage was about putting a smile on the faces of the residents

The inaugural SOA Engage was nothing short of a success. Its success was not simply measured by how many houses were cleaned or how many bags of necessities the volunteers carried to the elderly. Instead, the shared indelible memory of a meaningful day spent with the seniors and with the other members of the SOA family was the most significant measure of all.

Faculty and staff of SOA coming together for a good cause

This article was originally published on The SMU Blog.

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