As part of SMU’s continual efforts to forge and enhance quality, multi-faceted partnerships with leading Chinese universities, SMU President, Prof Arnoud De Meyer led a six-member delegation to visit five reputable universities in the mid and western regions of China from 28 to 31 May 2018. The trip culminated in productive discussions with the leaders, senior faculty members and key administrators of these institutions and partnership agreements that bolstered ties between SMU and leading universities in the Chinese cities of Chengdu, Xi’an and Wuhan.
Upon arriving in Chengdu on 28 May 2018, Prof De Meyer called on Prof Yan Shijing, Vice President of SCU and affirmed the warm relationship of both universities. Complimenting SMU on its achievements, Prof Yan provided pertinent updates on SCU’s recent developments, particularly its internationalisation efforts. Both leaders agreed to deepen collaboration in areas such as short-term and postgraduate programmes, as well as in joint research.
Members of the SMU delegation proceeded to the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE), where Prof De Meyer called on his SWUFE counterpart, Prof Zhuo Zhi. Since the start of SMU’s partnership with SWUFE in 2012, both institutions had successfully expanded the scope of collaboration beyond undergraduate exchange, to developing a total of five postgraduate programme tie-ups.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for academic and educational cooperation in a wider spectrum of areas was renewed by both universities. On the same day, SMU School of Accountancy (SOA) sealed a collaborative agreement with SWUFE School of Accountancy to introduce its MSc in Accounting (Data and Analytics) programme. In addition, the Business and Economics faculties of both universities met to explore new opportunities for collaboration.
Having concluded the first two stops of their travel schedule on a high note, the SMU delegation departed Chengdu for Xi’an. On 30 May 2018, the delegation visited Xi’an Jiao Tong University (XJTU) and was warmly welcomed by XJTU President, Prof Wang Shuguo. XJTU, which has a rich 122-year history, is also a member of the C9 League - an alliance of nine elite universities in China analogous to the Ivy League in the USA.
With the inking of an MOU for academic cooperation and an undergraduate exchange agreement, XJTU officially became SMU’s first partner university in Shaanxi province. Prof De Meyer shared how SMU had evolved its unique brand of holistic education and research excellence since its inception in 2000. Prof Wang traced the significant milestones of XJTU’s 122-year history and suggested that both universities enhance collaboration in areas of mutual forte, such as big data, accounting, management and economics, through more frequent exchanges of knowledge and joint research undertakings.
On the following day, the SMU delegation visited two nationally top-ranking partner universities in Wuhan city, the final leg of the five-day work trip. At Wuhan University (WHU), Prof De Meyer witnessed the signing of a renewal Student Exchange Agreement by WHU Vice President, Prof Li Fei. Prof Li hoped that the signing of this instrument would serve as a prelude to fruitful tie-ups for WHU and SMU in postgraduate programmes in economics, accounting, finance and other business or IT-related disciplines. Expressing his appreciation of the longstanding partnership between the two universities, Prof De Meyer complimented WHU for its educational excellence, cutting-edge research in diverse fields, as well as its scenic and conducive campus. To explore potential areas of collaboration, the SMU group took the opportunity to hold an in-depth discussion with Prof Song Min, the new dean of WHU of School of Economics.
On 31 May 2018, Prof De Meyer also visited the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) and met with HUST Vice President, Prof Chen Jianguo to exchange views on tertiary education management and trends in Singapore and in China, respectively.
Both leaders signed an MOU aimed at engendering greater cooperation between the two universities. Emphasising the priority placed by HUST on its postgraduate programme collaborations with SMU, Prof Chen expressed his hope to deepen the partnership between the two universities. He commended SMU for growing its expertise in cross-disciplinary research in areas such as the economics of ageing and cybersecurity, two vital pillars of the future global economy. Prof De Meyer concurred with Prof Chen’s suggestion to explore further collaboration and to identify potential areas for joint research.
Prof De Meyer also attended the launch ceremony of the SMU Shaanxi Alumni Chapter. Held in Xi’an on 29 May 2018, close to 50 alumni and well-wishers were present at the celebratory event, where they received updates on the developments of their alma mater. Bonds were renewed and new friendships were forged at the milestone event marking the birth of SMU’s sixth Alumni Chapter in China.
Photo Credits: SCU, SWUFE, XJTU, WHU and HUST