Singapore, 13 July 2016 (Wednesday) – The Singapore Management University (SMU) ceremoniously sent 2,663 graduates into the world, as their graduation was celebrated at the University’s 13th Commencement this afternoon. They included 1,806 Bachelor’s degree graduates, 39 Juris Doctor graduates, 798 Master’s degree graduates and 20 doctorate degree graduates.
Jubilant family and friends filled the Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre to capacity to witness the celebratory event featuring SMU's largest batch of graduates since its inception in the year 2000 as Singapore’s first public-funded autonomous university.
Among the graduates are 11 pioneer graduands from the Master of Laws in Cross-Border Business and Finance Law in Asia programme; as well as the University’s first law graduate who joined SMU from a polytechnic.
The event’s Guest-of-Honour, Mr Ong Ye Kung, Acting Minister for Education (Higher Education and Skills) and Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Defence, gave the keynote speech to the over 6,000-strong crowd.
This year, Yeo Qian Ling, Sharon, from the Lee Kong Chian School of Business was named the SPH Valedictorian, and Lim Yi Sheng from the School of Economics was named the SPH Magazines Salutatorian. Both stood out with their outstanding leadership skills, significant contributions to co-curricular activities and the community-at-large, good character records, excellent oratorical skills and excellent academic results (both achieved Summa Cum Laude). Both of them also displayed a strong entrepreneur spirit – Sharon has established a start-up business with a subsidiary, and Yi Sheng is currently helping a start-up.
Each year at the Commencement ceremony, SMU recognises students from each School who have embraced the values of Commitment, Integrity, Responsibility, Collegiality, Leadership and Excellence with the CIRCLE Awards. Winners of the CIRCLE Awards are also distinguished by their all-round excellence in Student Life, Student Leadership, Community Service and Academic Studies. They have been actively involved in serving and giving back to SMU and the community at large. In addition, they have demonstrated leadership abilities, are upright in character, and well-respected by peers, staff, and faculty.
In his remarks, SMU Chairman Mr Ho Kwon Ping reminded the graduating class that the quality education that they have received is a privilege and a responsibility. “Your privileged position as an SMU graduate compels you towards a responsibility to shape the Singapore you will live and prosper in. Civil society will become increasingly important in the collective governance of Singapore, and whatever your chosen vocation, you can play a meaningful role in the many voices which make up civil society. And whether our increasingly complex society moves towards a more
chaotic or a more cohesive diversity, will depend on you – more than you may think today, as just a fresh graduate coming into the working world.” Referring to the recent Brexit which shook the world, SMU President, Professor Arnoud De Meyer, said, “The future is yours to shape – and as members of the younger generation in the UK have recently discovered in the EU membership referendum, if you do not speak out and play an active role, you may not like the consequences.” Reiterating their privilege position to have had the opportunity to obtain tertiary education, he urged the graduates to “put all that you have learned and experienced to good use – for the sake of yourselves and others.”
Summing up his remarks for this year’s Commencement ceremony, Professor De Meyer concluded, “To the entire Class of 2016, my heartiest congratulations and best wishes. I am confident you will step out to become leaders in your chosen fields and help to shape a better world.”
Senior Class Gift 2016 – new initiative to raise money for the SMU Bursary
Each year, the graduating class raises funds collectively for the Senior Class Gift as a celebration of their SMU journey. This tradition of giving back began when SMU’s pioneering class decided that the best legacy they could leave behind was one that could sustain for many generations to come. This year, the Senior Class Gift transformed into a meaningful fundraising campaign named ‘Bear with us’. Through the sale of the SMU Graduation Bear, a large part of the proceeds will be channelled into the SMU Bursary to support needy students. Appeals are being made to the graduating students and their parents to support the worthy cause. SMU Office of Advancement’s target is to raise $30,000 for six bursaries (valued at $5,000 each) which will help to cover one year of tuition fees for needy undergraduates. The bursaries will be awarded in AY2017/2018. This year’s collection continues till December 2016.
Master of Laws in Cross-Border Business and Finance Law in Asia
Launched in August 2015, the curriculum of this Master’s programme trains students in a broad range of cross-border legal issues which businesses in Asia are likely to encounter. The programme focuses on areas of the law which are not only important and highly topical, but which also contribute meaningfully to the expertise and add significant value to the legal practice of the contemporary corporate and commercial lawyer. The programme was re-designed and restructured from the previous Master of Laws programme, so as to equip legal professionals in Singapore and the region with the expertise to excel in an increasingly complex legal world. The inaugural cohort featured a diverse class of 11 students who hail from eight nationalities (including 3 Singaporeans). http://law.smu.edu.sg/llm/home
Speech by SMU Chairman, Mr Ho Kwon Ping
Speech by SMU President, Professor Arnoud De Meyer
Media contact:
Huang Peiling (Ms)
Senior Assistant Director, Corporate Communications, SMU
Tel: (65) 6828-0964
Email: plhuang@smu.edu.sg