04 Sep 2017

The Singapore Management University (SMU)’s Eurhythmix (hip-hop dance) club has clinched first runner-up in the tertiary category at the Super 24 Dance Competition held at the Suntec Convention Centre on 6 August 2017.

The competition emphasised teamwork and ingenuity, and each team comprising 24 members performed a 90-second dance routine within the constraints of an 8 by 8 metre square, and were judged from all four sides so no area or action was left unnoticed. In other words, every dancer counted. The team that best exemplified adaptability, creativity and team unity won the championship. Republic Polytechnic eventually took the crown and became “Super 24”.

Nonetheless, SMU Eurhythmix had shown consistent progression and determination as it moved up the charts each year, from seventh place to fourth and finally achieved second place. From the choreography to dance rehearsals and debrief sessions, it had been 100 percent student effort. All these wouldn’t have been possible without the commitment of dedicated students and also the support and understanding of their families. Many of the dancers had to juggle between internships, CCAs and other student leadership roles and coming back to school almost every night just so they could practise till close to midnight.

Their journey began back in April with a pre-competition session where the team was left with two simple questions to reflect on:

1.    What would you like to achieve and learn personally from this experience?

2.    What do you need to do in order to support your own learning and also the rest of your fellow members?

The session allowed the 24 dancers including two choreographers (1 undergraduate and 1 alumni) to share their own personal goals and subsequently setting their team goals. The dancers found the sharing beneficial as it allowed them to know how to support each other better. The choreographers also shared that they found the session important as it provided them with an opportunity to listen to the various motivations of their dancers which was vital for them as choreographers to have a better grasp in calibrating the team.

At the end of the session, everyone was handed ‘encouragement’ cards where they would write a note of encouragement or gratitude to their team member. The students found this little exercise useful and shared that a simple note was all it took to keep them going during challenging times.


Said Professor Paulin Straughan, Dean of Students, “I am amazed at the commitment, tenacity and passion displayed by our students. Dance competitions take so much coordination and sheer hard work. The learning outcomes from such involvement in CCA compliment that achieved in the classroom setting. Through these endeavours, we nurture the holistic SMU graduate.  I am so very proud of the students and the staff who guided them on this purposeful journey.”

Here are quotes from two team members:

“I realised that my mental strength is something that is malleable. I think I surprised myself many times during this journey when I felt as though I was about to break, both physically and mentally, but managed to push on whenever I thought about everyone else who was pushing as hard as I was. that being said, of course there were many instances where I broke down but I think breaking down is not a sign of weakness but a sign of releasing the tension in order to push on even more.” – Shawn Sim, Year 3, Lee Khong Chian School of Business

“I have learnt that winning is but a state of mind. While I may have started off this S24 journey wanting to improve as a dancer and win first place, strangely I was actually glad that we lost to the eventual champions. I guess it was because deep down I knew that they were hands down better than us in terms of technique, and seeing them pour their hearts and souls out on stage made me all the more appreciate how much dance has already offered me in this past year. I wasn't salty for losing, but rather appreciative of how they had shown me how much more I could become if I wanted. For me, I realised that dance isn't about winning, but rather about knowing that you did your best, and that nothing else really matters besides enjoying that short-lived 90 seconds of adrenaline on the stage. Be it win or lose, as long as we continue doing what we love with passion, we will eventually emerge as better dancers and individuals.” – Lai Wen Le, Year 2, School of Law

Watch SMU Eurhythmix perform RE:Mix at the upcoming SMU Arts Festival which takes place from 8 to 17 September 2017.

[Featured Photo: SMU Eurhythmix on a high after their performance at the S24 Dance Competition on 6 August 2017]

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