SMU’s Signature Interactive Pedagogy
With average seminar sizes capped at 45, your classes, both online and face-to-face, will provide a supportive environment with strong professor-student interaction, open discussions and the engaging exchange of ideas.

A Suite of Cutting-Edge Virtual Learning Tools
You will be availed of a suite of modern educational technology tools to support the interactive, personalised and collaborative learning experience that SMU is famed for. These solutions are refreshed regularly to ensure benefits of technologies are brought to the classrooms. Dedicated support services will get you ready for the new school term!

Dedicated Faculty - with lots of Face Time
SMU professors are committed to teaching and mentoring you. Professors will have regular office hours, even virtually. Or simply email your prof to make an appointment - it’s easy!

Holistic Academic Support
Have a question about your major or graduation requirements? You can approach an academic advisor or a faculty member who will support and guide you. You can email your advisor to set up a virtual chat, and discuss options for a second major, compulsory courses, graduation requirements and more.

SMU Libraries
SMU’s libraries are open, with social distancing guidelines in place. Online resources are also available to the entire SMU community 24/7, so you can access library resources any time of the day (or night)! Use the “Ask Library” chat service or email your research librarian if you need help in your research.