Found total of 136 financial aid
Angel & Muwaffaq Salti Study Award
Established in 2023, the Angel & Muwaffaq Salti Study Award is available to full-time Singaporean undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It aims to motivate students with demonstrated financial needs to encourage them through challenging times and to spur them on to greater heights of academic excellence.
Apurva Kothari Study Award
Established in 2022, the Apurva Kothari Study Award is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It aims to assist financially needy undergraduates, to aspire for greater heights of excellence despite adversity and financial hardship.
Arunachalam Alamelu Bursary
Established in 2020, the bursary is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It is aimed at encouraging bright full-time undergraduate students enrolled at the University to aspire for greater heights of excellence in spite of adversity and financial hardship.
Big Fish Endowed Study Award
Established in 2024, the Big Fish Endowed Study Award is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It aims to encourage bright undergraduates to aspire for academic excellence in spite of adversity and financial hardship.
BPI Enabling Minds Study Award
Established in 2022, the BPI Enabling Minds Study Award is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It is aimed at providing assistance to financially needy undergraduates at the University, to aspire for greater heights of excellence in spite of adversity and financial hardship.
CFAM Endowed Bursary
Established in 2021, the CFAM Endowed Bursary is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It is aimed at providing assistance to financially needy undergraduates.
Char Yong (Dabu) Association, Singapore Study Award
The Char Yong (Dabu) Association, Singapore Study Award is made possible by Char Yong (Dabu) Foundation Limited.
This Study Award is established to support outstanding full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University, with demonstrated financial needs, to achieve academic excellence and to accord appropriate recognition to them for their accomplishments.
Cheng Sok Theng Bursary
Established in 2022, the Cheng Sok Theng Bursary is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It is aimed at providing assistance to financially needy undergraduates.
Chew Kim Yong Endowed Bursary
Established in 2021, the Chew Kim Yong Endowed Bursary is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It aims to provide assistance to financially needy undergraduates, to aspire for greater heights of excellence in spite of adversity and financial hardship.
Chia Chee Seng Bursary
Established in 2018, the Chia Chee Seng Bursary is available to full-time Singaporean undergraduates from the School of Social Sciences at the Singapore Management University. It is aimed at providing financial assistance to deserving undergraduates so with the objective to motivate them to achieve all-round excellence in their studies.
Chia Family Bursary
Established in 2022, the Chia Family Bursary is available to full-time undergraduates enrolled in the Yong Pung How School of Law at the Singapore Management University. It is aimed to encourage bright law undergraduates to aspire for greater heights of excellence in spite of adversity and financial hardship.
Chua Family Study Award
Established in 2020, the Chua Family Study Award is to assist the financially needy undergraduates at the University to achieve academic excellence.
Ck Than Study Award
Established in 2022, the CK Than Study Award is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It aims to encourage financially needy students to focus on their academic studies during their course of study at the University, by providing financial support to such students.
CL3 Study Award
Established in 2024, the CL3 Study Award is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It aims to encourage bright undergraduates to aspire for academic excellence in spite of adversity and financial hardship.
CLASS Bursary
Established in 2011, the CLASS Bursary is aimed at providing financial assistance to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University and to motivate them to achieve all-round excellence.