Found total of 136 financial aid
Irene Tan Liang Kheng Empower Grant
Established in 2019, the Irene Tan Liang Kheng Empowerment Fund aims to encourage bright full-time undergraduate students from the Yong Pung How School of Law at the Singapore Management University to aspire for greater heights of excellence in spite of adversity and financial hardship. The Fund supports the Irene Tan Liang Kheng Empower Grant with the objective to provide financial assistance to undergraduate Law students who are experiencing financial hardships during their course of…
James Lim and May Ling Endowed Study Award
Established in 2023, the James Lim and May Ling Endowed Study Award is available to full-time undergraduates from School of Economics at the Singapore Management University. It aims to support the University's efforts in providing greater access to a quality university education for undergraduates, with demonstrated financial needs to achieve academic excellence.
Jay and Marilyn Ng Study Award
Established in 2024, the Jay and Marilyn Ng Study Award is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It aims to motivate outstanding undergraduates at the University's School of Accountancy or the Lee Kong Chian School of Business, with demonstrated financial needs, to achieve academic and to accord appropriate recognition to the recipients of the Study Awards for their accomplishments.
Jeeve & ST Cheng Kanagalingam Endowed Study Award
Established in 2024, the Jeeve & ST Cheng Kanagalingam Endowed Study Award is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It aims to motivate outstanding undergraduates at the University, with demonstrated financial needs, to spur them on to greater heights of academic excellence and to accord appropriate recognition to the recipients of the Study Awards for their accomplishments.
Jonathon Lee Study Award
Established in 2023, the Jonathon Lee Study Award is available to full-time undergraduates from Lee Kong Chian School of Business, School of Information Systems & Computing and Yong Pung How School of Law at the Singapore Management University. It aims to encourage bright, full-time undergraduate students enrolled at the University to aspire for academic excellence in spite of adversity and financial hardship.
Joseph Ang & Karen Gan Grant
Jumabhoy Study Award
Established in 2016, the Jumabhoy Study Award seeks to provide financial assistance to needy full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University.
Justice Choor Singh Study Award
Established in 2024, the Justice Choor Singh Study Award is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It aims to encourage bright undergraduates to aspire for academic excellence in spite of adversity and financial hardship.
K H Tan Endowed Study Award
Established in 2019, the K H Tan Endowed Study Award aims to provide financial assistance and internship opportunities to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University.
Kalathil Joseph Family Study Award
Established in 2023, the Kalathil Joseph Family Study Award is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It aims to assist financially needy undergraduates during their course of study at the University, to aspire for greater heights of excellence despite adversity and financial hardship.
Keeve Tan Endowed Study Award
Established in 2022, the Keeve Tan Endowed Study Award is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It aims to assist financially needy undergraduates at the University, to aspire for greater heights of excellence despite adversity and financial hardship.
Khoo Hock Tin Study Award
Established in 2023, the Khoo Hock Tin Study Award is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University and to spur them to greater heights of academic excellence.
Khoo Teck Quee Bursary
Established in 2021, the Khoo Teck Quee Bursary is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It is aimed at providing financial assistance to needy undergraduates, to aspire for greater heights of excellence in spite of adversity and financial hardship.
Kwa Geok Choo Bursary
Established in 2020, the Kwa Geok Choo Bursary is available to full-time undergraduates from the Yong Pung How School of Law at the Singapore Management University. It aims to motivate the students to aspire for greater heights of excellence in spite of adversity and financial hardship.
Kwa Geok Choo Study Award
Established in 2018, the Kwa Geok Choo Study Award is available to full-time undergraduates from the Yong Pung How School of Law (YPHSL) at the Singapore Management University, encouraging them to aspire for greater heights of excellence. The award aims to offer assistance to SOL undergraduates who are experiencing financial hardships during their course of study.