Found total of 133 financial aid
School of Economics Scholarship
Supported by funds contributed by the School's faculty/staff and its fundraising activities, the objective of School of Economics Scholarship is to motivate and spur students in the School of Economics to achieve greater heights of academic excellence.
Science & Technology Undergraduate Scholarship
The Science & Technology Undergraduate Scholarship is offered to outstanding citizens of Asian country/region. This scholarship is open to applicants intending to pursue the Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, Computer Science and Software Engineering programmes offered by the School of Computing and Information Systems at the Singapore Management University.
SeaTown Sustainability Scholarship
Established in 2022, the SeaTown Sustainability Scholarship is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. The objective is to motivate outstanding undergraduates enrolled in any school with the University who want to expand their learning across traditional academic disciplines by taking on the Sustainability Major offered by the Lee Kong Chian School of Business, to spur them on to greater heights of academic excellence and to accord appropriate…
Sebrina Holdings Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2019, the Sebrina Holdings Endowed Scholarship is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. The objective is to motivate and inspire, as well as provide financial assistance to students.
Select Group Scholarship
Established in 2015, the Select Group Scholarship is available to full-time Singaporean undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It is aimed at providing financial assistance to needy undergraduates and motivating them to achieve academic excellence.
Shopline Scholarship
Established in 2022, the Shopline Scholarship is available to full-time undergraduates from the School of Computing and Information Systems and the Lee Kong Chian School of Business at the Singapore Management University. It aims to motivate outstanding full-time undergraduates from the two schools, to spur them on to greater heights of academic excellence and to accord appropriate recognition to the recipients of the Scholarship for their accomplishments.
Siang Lang & Kai Hee Tan Accountancy Scholarship
Established in 2024, the Siang Lang and Kai Hee Tan Accountancy Scholarship, supported by Mr. Tan Hanjie Nicholas, is aimed at helping high potential students from the School of Accountancy to achieve academic excellence and build a strong foundation for success. This scholarship is established in honour of Nicholas’ parents, Siang Lang and Kai Hee, whose dedication and support inspired him to create this opportunity for others. Recipients are also encouraged to pay it forward by supporting…
Sing Lun Scholarship
Established in 2009, the scholarship aims to recognise academic excellence and provide financial support for full-time financially needy undergraduates studying at the Singapore Management University.
The Sing Lun Scholarship is supported by Sing Lun Industrial Pte Ltd, Mr Patrick Lee and family. Contributed at a time of economic uncertainty, the generous gift by Mr Lee and members of the Lee family is a gesture to inspire philanthropy and foster a culture of social responsibility to…
Singapore Academy of Law Undergraduate Scholarship
The objective of the Scholarship is to motivate and recognise outstanding Singapore Citizen undergraduates at SMU who have demonstrated financial need.
SMU Alumni @ GIC Scholarship
Established in 2020, the SMU Alumni @ GIC Scholarship aims to provide assistance to undergraduates from financially challenged backgrounds and help them navigate their journey through Singapore Management University (SMU) and the early stages of their corporate careers.
SMU Alumni Association Scholarship
Supported by the SMU Alumni Association (SMUAA), the SMUAA Scholarship is available to third or final year undergraduates studying full-time at the Singapore Management University. The Alumni Scholarship Fund of $200,000 was achieved in 2007. It represents the collective contribution from the pioneer batches of graduates – Classes of 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007.
This scholarship seeks to identify candidates who enjoys networking / getting to know Alumni, fostering relationships between…
SMU Alumnus Finance Mentoring Scholarship
Established in 2016, the Scholarship is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It aims to broaden the recipient’s understanding of the Finance industry and ultimately help in career advancement.
SMU Elevate Scholarship
Established in 2024, the objective of this new SMU Elevate Scholarship is to enable working adults, 25 years or older or with extensive work experience, to benefit from a university education through the Elevate@SMU programme.
SMU Entrepreneur Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2017, the SMU Entrepreneur Endowed Scholarship is available to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It aims to provide financial assistance to needy undergraduates during their course of study at the University.
SMU EYE Investment Scholarship
Established in 2021, the SMU EYE Investment Scholarship is to provide financial assistance to undergraduates and motivate them to achieve academic excellence.